Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Mint of Marlboro

In the event of coping up with the new generation of smokers,
like other cigarette producers, Marlboro too have been working
hard on producing more flavors, 
or rather I should say more styles for smokers!
And so, came the lavishly looking Fresh Mint pack! 
2007 seems to be a busy year for most cigarette companies
to get going on new ideas before the new regulations, the new directive 
that was finally strictly being imposed in 2008.
eNjOy the view!


  1. Hi there, good to see more posts! I've been enjoying reading all your entries and they bring back good memories for me. Don't know if you've seen, but Mild Seven currently has a special pack. They can't say "Limited Edition" on the pack anymore, but when you open it up, on the foil it says "2010 Edition Pack". Haha they always come up with new ideas. Anyway I wanted to ask again, where can you buy BlackGold? I've not been able to find it anywhere around the JB area. Is it still available up in Penang?

  2. Well, i M not too sure but I'll watch out for it as soon as I get to some of my regular shops, but I doubt there are any left.
    Smokers seem to like metal casings!

    Thx Kurt for dropping by!
    Will keep U informed!

    ps - I got this set fr JB at one of my regular 24 hrs Mamak Cafe'

  3. And Kurt, also thx for the news on MiLD Seven!
    I'll get to it ASAP!

    See U around!
    Pleasant week!

  4. Oh, probably U can try look up Black Gold from Kassim at Dedap area, Taman Johor Jaya.
    That was my regular midnite sitting place!
    But i can tell U it taste awful, sucks!
    I'm just for that set of box!
    ;-) good luck & cheerio!

  5. Hi, thanks! Will go and have a look. Let me know if you can find that Mild Seven or not, the packaging is dark blue with a line design forming the number "7". If you can't find, my area has a lot so I can send one over. Haha the metal boxes are always everyone's favourite, I wish they still sold tins like in the old days. Do you have Facebook? You can add me at and we can keep in touch about new finds.

  6. Hi, Kurt!
    Thx FYI & i haven't yet found the special MILD 7 you mentioned yet!

    Abt FB, well yes I certainly do hv!
    Actually if U do a search on me, McCheah,
    you will find ME at a few other places but
    FB and my POEMs are almost always at the top!

    CU around!

    ps - i will make this coming Saturday in
    search of MILD 7!
