Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Olive Green in Australia

This year, Australia got togher with cigarette companies 
ans has started to join the world tp reduce smoking. 
It is enforcing the ruling of deterrent graphics on cigarette packs 
to deter smokers.

The Australian government also unveiled it's plan to force big tobacco companies to use plain packaging for cigarettes despite the threat of industry legal actions. 

It seems that by next year, all logos will have to be dropped, removed from the box.
Olive green was picked as researchers found that this color would deter smokers from smoking. 
It was reported that each year about 15,000 Australians die of diseases related to smoking. 
This cause has cost the lost of over A$30 billion in healthcare and productivity.

More nations around the world will keep on tackling this prevention 
but, will the smoking industry simmer down?
Well, we'll see then. They should quit the companies and not the smokers quitting!

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