Monday, September 6, 2010

Marlboro's past sports publicity

I was going through my older bLoGs after being absent 
from here for half a month and while at my July 7th's 
Marlboro special sports packs, it reminded me of 
one of the last full page newspaper advertisements
on the F1 Ferraris at The Malaysian Grand Prix in 1999.

These days we are really getting smaller ads on such occasions 
and I have 2 of the best remembered pieces that I've kept and
I am sharing them here. Of course I have many of such ads 
over the years but these are two of my favorites! 
Hope you will like them too!

They are actually poster collections to one of my hobbies!
This goes to say I not only collect cigarette boxes but also adverts,
posters and memorabilia as my collectibles!
eNjOy the view! 
A Picture says it all better than a thousand words!

1 comment:

  1. Are you paying more than $5 for each pack of cigarettes? I buy my cigs over at Duty Free Depot and I'm saving over 50%.
